Our studios at Springwood and Winmalee are all designed and fitted out to ensure the best and safest facilities are provided for your child. The Performing Arts are not an "easy" past-time, whether performing just for fun or taking it more seriously, each genre requires training, dedication and hard work. We are committed to providing our students with the best facilities possible and ensuring safe practices.
So what makes us different to many other dance schools?
All our studios have:
FULLY SPRUNG FLOORS - professional quality sprung timber floors made from structural plywood laid over rubber cell pads to reduce force and impact on students' growing bodies. Dancing on concrete or non-sprung timber floors can lead to injuries and health issues.
FULL LENGTH MIRRORS - providing students with the ability to view their movements, making it easy for them to see how they are moving and what needs correction.
FIXED BARRES - an essential piece of equipment for both ballet and tap students to maintain balance while doing dance exercises.
REVERSE CYCLE AIR CONDITIONING - providing cool and warmth when needed!
Parents are welcome to stay and watch their child's class for the first two weeks, after that we ask that you wait outside (which is a good chance to get some shopping done or grab a coffee!) The little ones can sometimes be anxious when mum or dad are still there, but just like day-care or pre-school, they are quickly distracted by their teacher or the other dancers, and enjoy their class. Also the older students can be easily distracted by chatter and people waiting. The "cut out" stars on our windows give you a good place to peek through to see how they are doing!